Meredith's Relapse Prevention Plan
It was easy to stay sober while in an addiction treatment program and training for the LA Marathon alongside other residents. Staying sober while back home in an isolated community facing the many challenges of her new life would be a struggle. Meredith knew she needed to stay focused on a goal and connected to others in order to continue moving forward in her recovery.
She chose to train for the LA Marathon once again, this time as a remote member of the team. She followed the team on Facebook and submitted her own posts, read all of the training emails, stuck to the training plan, and ran with the team whenever she was in Los Angeles. In March 2018, she proudly
crossed the finish line once again. This time, she was 70 pounds lighter.
A few months later, she began training for the 2019 Marathon, and she crossed the finish line with her team for the 3rd time. March 2020 marked her 4th LA Marathon. During her time back home, she did have one brief relapse into gambling. “But,” as she explained, “I didn’t drink or use. Now I care about what I put in my body. I have to keep myself clean and sober to do the Marathon."